finding life in the way of Jesus


Here’s some of what former participants in Apprentice Life are saying about their experience!

“Apprentice Life provided me an opportunity to ​revisit and learn the nature of our Jesus Christ. ​His unconditional and sacrifice love, promise ​keeping, his power over death, eternity and ​justice strengthen my faithfulness to Him. The ​tools I learned, scheduling time daily to read the ​Bible with some reflective steps, and the way of ​prayer for unbelievers around you, is helping me ​to maintain life as an apprentice after completing ​the program.”

Fall 2023 Participant

“Apprentice Life has been absolutely wonderful ​in furthering and strengthening my relationship ​with Jesus, so much so that I was baptized just a ​couple weeks after the course ended. After ​Alpha, though I had become a believer, I was ​somewhat lost as to what came next, how I would ​actually go about following Him and what that ​meant for my day-to-day life. I knew my life was ​meant to look different, but didn't understand in ​what way or what I should be doing to encourage ​that process. Apprentice Life not only taught me ​more about Jesus, but showed me the ways in ​which to follow Him, how to read His Word, how ​to understand His presence in my life through ​prayer and discernment. All the while, giving time ​each week to sit with other new Christians going ​through the same experiences and having the ​same questions as I did so I never felt alone, ​whilst also sitting beside experienced, mature ​Christian mentors who could help us through ​those experiences and answer all of our many ​questions. Apprentice Life truly felt like a gift ​from God.”

Spring 2023 Participant

“Starting Apprentice Life I was still skeptical. Can I ​really handle 9 weeks of talking about Jesus? But the ​environment was open and friendly, and the content ​was gradual and slowly and surely I started to warm ​up. By week 6 I became a sponge and absorbed as ​much as I could. I was fascinated. I started reading ​the Bible and preaching the good word to my family. ​Overall I feel happier, closer to God, and very excited ​to continue to follow Jesus. The people in the course ​were amazing, and Tim did a fantastic work. I feel ​truly blessed to have been a part of it because it ​really did bring me closer to God. I'd highly ​recommend Apprentice Life as a tool for getting to ​closer to your community and to God. Thank you.”

Spring 2023 Participant

“I most enjoyed learning techniques which I could ​apply to my spiritual practices of prayer and ​studying scripture. I loved hearing everyone’s ​different opinions, stories and experiences in small ​and big group time. In our busy world, it was a gift to ​slow down and be present with others each week ​asking the really important life questions. Having a ​mentor to accompany me through the apprentice ​life course felt like experiencing the love of God ​through them. Their time, care and listening ear was ​invaluable to me. Discussing the course topics with ​them during sessions and afterwards, enriched my ​understanding of the material. It was an absolute ​privilege to learn from Pastor Tim who possesses ​vast and valuable knowledge yet practices the ​patience and kindness needed to be a natural ​teacher. I truly would recommend apprentice life to ​anybody with questions and a desire to dive deeper ​in their relationship with Jesus!”

Spring 2023 Participant

Ready to join us? Each cohort has a limited number of spaces. To help discern if ​Apprentice Life is right for you, please fill out this interest form.

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Let your roots grow down into him,

and let your lives be built on him.

Colossians 2:6

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North Langley Community Church

21015 96 Ave.

Langley, BC

V1M 2Z3


© 2022 Tim C. McCarthy