finding life in the way of Jesus

General Resources

These websites and ministries cover a wide range of Christian themes and topics.

Right Now Media: online streaming service for Bible studies (NLCC has a membership made available to anyone in the church). Thousands of studies on books of the Bible, theological and moral topics, leadership, etc. Those produced by RNM are very well produced, and useable personally or in an Apprentice Group or Life Group.

Premier Christianity Magazine:

An online magazine based in the UK, featuring thought-provoking articles, news, interviews, biographical profiles of Christians in the public square, and podcasts such as “Ask N.T. Wright Anything.” Provides a level-headed evangelical perspective without the polarizing political flavourings of American evangelicalism.

Premier Unbelievable:

A radio show/podcast/Youtube channel devoted to hosting conversations about some of the deepest questions of our time, from proofs for the existence of God, to the historicity of Jesus, to ethical questions. Most episodes host two guests who see an issue from opposing sides, e.g. Christian and atheist, Christian and agnostic, or Christians from different streams.

Gospel In Life: Online hub for the teachings and writings of Dr. Timothy Keller (1950-2023), pastor and church planter. Keller’s winsome, measured, culturally-engaged, gospel-centred approach to teaching the Bible was deeply effective in reaching secular people in New York City. He is a very helpful and trustworthy mentor for a faith that is grounded in who Jesus is and what he has done.

Dallas Willard Ministries: The lectures and retreat talks of Dallas Willard, author of The Spirit of the Disciplines, Hearing God, and many other important works about discipleship and spiritual formation, are increasingly being made available for free on YouTube. Willard was one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our times, skillfully weaving together philosophy, biblical teaching, popular culture, science, psychology, and spiritual practice to understand what apprenticeship to Jesus looks like.

Let your roots grow down into him,

and let your lives be built on him.

Colossians 2:6

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North Langley Community Church

21015 96 Ave.

Langley, BC

V1M 2Z3


© 2022 Tim C. McCarthy