finding life in the way of Jesus

A Companion for ​the Journey

A companion who is willing to invest in a relationship with a new believer can make a lifelong difference in their life.

All it takes is the willingness to be intentional, accessible, vulnerable, and committed for the sake of their growth.

You could play a role as a Companion/Mentor if:

  • You have have played a role in their journey to faith.

  • You're a maturing Christian involved in healthy practices of apprenticeship and community, and you enjoy having spiritual conversations with new believers.

  • You can join a participant in a weekly class and the retreat (see schedule), spend 20-30 minutes each week outside of class to touch base, and pray for them.

  • Participant and Companion/Mentor will be same gender.

How much do I need to know about Christianity, the Bible, or discipleship?

Apprentice Life is designed so that much of the learning content is provided through the live teaching and through resources provided. You don't have to be an expert!

As a companion-mentor, your job is to engage the teaching and materials that are provided as a co-learner, bringing your experience as a Christian and your loving presence to the conversations you are prompted to have with your participant.

Initial training and additional tips and resources will be made available to you along the way.

Is there a cost?

Apprentice Life includes an offsite retreat, with a cost of $180.

If you're able to contribute a weekly donation for the food, that also helps!

If the cost is prohibitive, please speak with your Apprentice Life leader and we'll see what we can do to help. If it is prohibitive for everyone we will aim for an onsite retreat.

Winter 2024 Sched​ule

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If you're interested in learning more about being a ​Companion/Mentor for one of our participants, please fill ​out this interest form, and we’ll connect with you soon!

Let your roots grow down into him,

and let your lives be built on him.

Colossians 2:6

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North Langley Community Church

21015 96 Ave.

Langley, BC

V1M 2Z3


© 2022 Tim C. McCarthy